Proyectos (últimos 5 años)
01/2017-12/2019 ’GYPWORLD’’ A global initiative to understand gypsum ecosystem ecology. Funding: HORİZON 2020 ‘’Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions Rise’’. H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017-777803. IP: S. Palacio (IPE-CSIC). co-investigador
04/2017-03/2018 Eucahydro 2.0: Modelo predictivo de sustentabilidad hídrica para determinación del uso de agua, eficiencia del uso del agua, uso eficiente del agua y resistencia a la sequía de genotipos y plantaciones de Eucalyptus. IT16I10087. Funding: ‘V concurso de investigación Tecnológica del fondo de fomento al desarrollo científico y Tecnológico’, programa IDEA’, FONDEF/CONICYT (Chile), IP: R. Rubilar (UdeC). co-investigador
04/2017-03/2020 The hidden side of water-use efficiency: use of stable isotopes to unveil the coordination between mesophyll conductance and leaf hydraulics. 1170442. Proyecto FONDECYT Regular 2017. Investigador Principal
12/2016-12/2018. La cara oculta de la eficiencia hídrica: aplicación de isótopos estables al estudio de la coordinación entre conductancia del mesófilo para CO2 y conductancia hidráulica en hojas. 216.111.062-10IN. Funding: VRID- Univ. de Concepción, IP: J.P. Ferrio. investigador principal
09/2016-09/2018. SED-IBER- Thirst in the river: How a warming climate and changes in fluvial dynamics are driving the decline of riparian forest. Funding: Fundación BBVA, IP: J.J. Camarero (IPE-CSIC). co-investigador
01/2016-12/2018. FUTURPIN- Aproximaciones ecofisiológicas y respuesta al clima en pinos mediterráneos: relevancia para la gestión futura de sus recursos genéticos. AGL2015-68274-C3-3-R. Funding: MCINN, Spanish Government. J.P. Ferrio (IP), J. Voltas (co-IP). investigador principal
01/2015-12/2017. BASIL-Landscape-scale biodiversity and the balancing of provisioning, regulating and supporting ecosystem services. Funding: ERANET Programm FACCE-JPI (European Network). Proposal number: BiodivERsA-FACCE2014-16. IP: J. Joshi (Univ. Potsdam). co-investigador
07/2014-03/2015. The water use efficiency upside-down. JSPS Invitation Fellowship L-14560. Funding: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. IP: J.P. Ferrio (Univ. Lleida,), S. Mori (Yamagata Univ., Japan, host). investigador principal
08/2013-09/2013. CIRFLUX- Act locally, think globally: do circadian rhythms in leaf mesophyll hydraulics affect terrestrial water fluxes?. Funding: ExPeER Transnational Access Progamme, European Infrastructure project (2010-2014, FP7-European Union). IP: J.P. Ferrio (Univ. Lleida). Host: Jacques Roy. investigador principal
01/2013-12/2014. VITAMAIZE- High quality and safe food through antioxidant fortified maize. Funding: RECERCAIXA Foundation. IP: Paul Christou (Univ. Lleida). co-investigador
01/2013-12/2015. FENOPIN- Phenotypic integration, plasticity and evolutionary trade-offs among life history traits in Iberian pines: implications for managing genetic forest resources under new environmental scenarios. AGL 2012-40151-C03. Funding: MCINN, Spanish Government. IP: J. Voltas (Univ. Lleida). co-investigador
01/2013-12/2015. RESILFOR- Forest resilience in a changing context: the role of stand attributes, disturbance characteristics and management techniques. AGL 2012-40039-C02. Funding: MCINN, Spanish Government. IP: J. Pemán (Univ. Lleida. co-investigador
07/2012-08/2012. Physiological response of rice genotypes to increasing CO2 and temperature. S-12092. Funding: FY 2012 JSPS short-term invitation fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. IP: J.P. Ferrio (Univ. Lleida), T. Hasegawa (NIAES, Japan, host). investigador principal
Publicaciones (últimos 5 años)
Palacio S, Montserrat-Martí G, Ferrio JP (2017) Water use segregation among plants with contrasting root depth and distribution along gypsum hills. Journal of Vegetation Science
Martín-Gómez P, Aguilera M, Pemán J, Gil-Pelegrín E, Ferrio JP* (2017) Contrasting ecophysiological strategies related to drought: the case of a mixed stand of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and a submediterranean oak (Quercus subpyrenaica) Tree Physiology
Zhu,C., Farré,G., Zanga,D., Lloveras,J., Michelena,A., Ferrio,J.P., Voltas,J., Slafer,G., Savin,R., Albajes,R., Eizaguirre,M., Lopez,C., Cantero-Martínez,C., Díaz-Gómez,J., Nogareda,C., Moreno,J.A., Angulo,E., Estany,J., Pena,R.N., Tor,M., Portero-Otin,M., Eritja,N., Arjó,G., Serrano,J.C.E., Matias-Guiu,X., Twyman,R.M., Sandmann,G., Capell,T., Christou,P., 2017. High-carotenoid maize: development of plant biotechnology prototypes for human and animal health and nutrition. Phytochemistry Reviews
García Plazaola JI, Fernández Marín B, Ferrio JP, Alday JG, Hoch G, Landais D, Milcu A, Tissue DT, Voltas J, Gessler A, Roy J, Resco de Dios V (2017). Endogenous circadian rhythms in pigment composition induce changes in photochemical efficiency in plant canopies Plant Cell and Environment DOI: 10.1111/pce.12909
Tornero C, Aguilera M, Ferrio JP, Arcusa H, Moreno-García M, Garcia-Reig S, Rojo-Guerra M. (2017) Vertical sheep mobility along the altitudinal gradient through stable isotope analyses in tooth molar bioapatite, meteoric water and pastures: a reference from the Ebro valley to the Central Pyrenees. Quaternary International DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2016.11.042
Martín-Gómez P, Serrano L, Ferrio JP* (2017) Short-term dynamics of evaporative enrichment of xylem water in woody stems: implications for ecohydrology. Tree Physiology 37, 511-522
Gessler A, Roy J, Kayler Z, Ferrio JP, Alday JG, Bahn M, del Castillo J, Devidal S, García-Muñoz S, Landais D, Martín-Gomez P, Milcu A, Piel C, Pirhofer-Walzl K, Galiano L, Schaub M, Haeni M, Ravel O, Salekin S, Tissue DT, Tjoelker MG, Voltas J, Hoch G, Resco de Dios V (2017). Night and day – Circadian regulation of night-time dark respiration and light-enhanced dark respiration in plant leaves and canopies Environmental and Experimental Botany 137:14-25
Shestakova T, Camarero JJ, Ferrio JP, Knorre A, Gutiérrez E, Voltas J. (2017). Increasing drought effects on five European pines modulate Δ13C-growth coupling along a Mediterranean altitudinal gradient. Functional Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12857
Resco de Dios V, Gessler A, Ferrio JP, Alday JG, Bahn M, del Castillo J, Devidal S, García-Muñoz S, Kayler Z, Landais D, Martín-Gómez P, Milcu A, Piel C, Pirhofer-Walzl K, Ravel O, Salekin S, Tissue DT, Tjoelker MG, Voltas J, Roy J. (2016). Circadian rhythms have significant effects on leaf-to-canopy scale gas exchange under field conditions. GigaScience 5(1), 43. DOI: 10.1186/s13742-016-0149-y
del Castillo J, Comas C, Voltas J, Ferrio JP* (2016) Dynamics of competition over water in a mixed oak-pine Mediterranean forest: spatio-temporal and physiological components. Forest Ecology and Management 382, 214-224.
Fardusi MJ, Ferrio JP*, Comas C, Voltas J, Resco de Dios V, Serrano L (2016) Intra-specific association between carbon isotope composition and productivity in woody plants: A meta-analysis. Plant Science 251(1):110-118
del Castillo J, Comas C, Voltas J, Ferrio JP* (2016) Dynamics of competition over water in a mixed oak-pine Mediterranean forest: spatio-temporal and physiological components. Forest Ecology and Management 382, 214-224.
Sánchez-Bragado R, Araus JL, Scheerer U, Cairns JE, Rennenberg H, Ferrio JP* (2016) Factors preventing the performance of oxygen isotope ratios as indicators of grain yield in maize. Planta 243 (2): 344-368
Resco de Dios V, Mereed TE, Ferrio JP, Tissue DT, Voltas J (2016) Intraspecific variation in juvenile tree growth under elevated CO2 alone and with O3: a meta-analysis. Tree Physiology 36(6): 682-693
Cueto-Ginzo AI, Serrano L, Bostock RM, Ferrio JP, Rodríguez R, Arcal L, MA Achon, T Falcioni, WP Luzuriaga, V Medina (2016) Salicylic acid mitigates physiological and proteomic changes induced by the SPCP1 strain of Potato virus X in tomato plants. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 93: 1-11
Voltas J, Lucabaugh D, Chambel MR, Ferrio JP (2015) Intraspecific variation in the use of water sources by the circum-Mediterranean conifer Pinus halepensis. New Phytologist 208 (4): 1031-1041
Comas C, del Castillo J, Voltas J, Ferrio JP (2015) Point processes statistics of stable isotopes: analysing water uptake patterns in a mixed stand of Aleppo pine and Holm oak. Forest Systems 24 (1), Article Number :e009, DOI:10.5424/fs/2015241-05846
Resco de Dios V, Roy J, Ferrio JP, Alday JG, Landais D, Milcu A, Gessler A (2015) Processes driving nocturnal transpiration and implications for estimating land evapotranspiration. Scientific Reports 5, 10975, DOI:10.1038/srep10975
Martín-Gómez P, Barbeta A, Voltas J, Peñuelas J, Dennis K, Palacio S, Dawson TE, Ferrio JP* (2015) Isotope-ratio infrared spectroscopy: A reliable tool for the investigation of plant-water sources? New Phytologist 207 (3): 914-927
Ferrio JP*, Díez-Herrero A, Tarrés D, Ballesteros-Cánovas JA, Aguilera M, Bodoque JM (2015) Using stable isotopes of oxygen from tree-rings to study the origin of past flood events: first results from the Iberian Peninsula. Quaternaire 26, 67-75
Del Castillo J, Voltas J, Ferrio JP* (2015) Carbon isotope discrimination, radial growth, and NDVI share spatiotemporal responses to precipitation in Aleppo pine. Trees 29, 223-233
Fiorentino G, Ferrio JP, Bogaard A, Araus JL, Riehl S (2015) Stable isotopes in archaeobotanical research. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 24, 215–227
Palacio S, Azorín J, Montserrat-Martí G, Ferrio JP (2014) The crystallisation water of gypsum rocks is a relevant water source for plants. Nature Communications 5, 4660, DOI:10.1038/ncomms5660
Araus JL, Ferrio JP, Voltas J, Aguilera M, Buxó R (2014) Agronomic conditions and crop evolution in ancient Near East agriculture. Nature Communications 5, 3953, DOI:10.1038/ncomms4953
Shestakova TA, Aguilera M, Ferrio JP, Gutiérrez E, Voltas J (2014) Unravelling spatiotemporal tree-ring signals in Mediterranean oaks: a variance–covariance modelling approach of carbon and oxygen isotope ratios. Tree physiology 34 (8): 819-838.
Gessler A, Ferrio JP, Hommel R, Treydte K, Werner RA, Monson RK (2014) Stable isotopes in tree rings: towards a mechanistic understanding of isotope fractionation and mixing processes from the leaves to the wood. Tree Physiology 34 (8): 796-818.
Hommel R, Siegwolf R, Saurer M, Farquhar GD, Kayler Z, Ferrio JP, Gessler A (2014) Drought response of mesophyll conductance in forest understory species – Impacts on water-use efficiency and interactions with leaf water movement. Physiologia Plantarum 152(1), 98-114.
Falcioni T, Ferrio JP, del Cueto AI, Giné J, Achón MÁ, Medina V (2014) Effect of salicylic acid treatment on tomato plant physiology and tolerance to potato virus X infection. European Journal of Plant Pathology 138(2), 331-345.
Hentschel R, Bittner S, Janott M, Biernath C, Holst J, Ferrio JP, Gessler A, Priesack E (2013) Simulation of stand transpiration based on a xylem water flow model for individual trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 182, 31-42
Resco de Dios V, Díaz-Sierra R, Goulden ML, Barton CVM, Boer MM, Gessler A, Ferrio JP, Pfautsch S, Tissue DT (2013) Woody clockworks: circadian regulation of night-time water use in Eucalyptus globulus. New Phytologist 200, 743-752
Del Castillo J, Aguilera M, Voltas J, Ferrio JP* (2013) Isoscapes of tree-ring carbon-13 perform like meteorological networks in predicting regional precipitation patterns.
Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 118, 352-360
Voltas J, Camarero JJ, Carulla D, Aguilera M, Ortiz A, Ferrio JP (2013) A retrospective, dual-isotope approach reveals individual predisposition to winter-drought induced dieback in the southernmost distribution limit of Scots pine. Plant, Cell and Environment 36, 1435-1448