Líneas de investigación:
Ecologia Química, Química de Productos Naturales, Contaminación Ambiental.
(56) 41- 2204114 – 2203362
- 2017-2019. “Desarrollo de un Producto inductor que aumente la captación de semillas de mitílidos” . Fondef IDeA ID16I10154 , Víctor Hernández.
- 2016-2018. “Desarrollo de una formulación dermatológica natural con actividad fotoprotectora, antioxidante, antiinflamatoria y reparadora, en base a extractos derivados de microalgas” . FONDEF IDeA 15|10333 , Víctor Hernández.
- 2013 – 2015. “Obtencion de biopreservantes a partir de los extraibles de corteza de madera como alternativa al uso de plaguicidas quimico sinteticos.” . FONDEF IdeA CA12│10142 , Víctor Hernández.
- 2012-2015. “Obtención de un extracto lipídico con actividad inhibidora del apetito a partir de semillas de gimnospermas introducidas.” . FONDEF D11I1067 , Víctor Hernández.
- 2012-2015. “Deep sea fungi as a source of bioactive metabolites” . Proyecto FONDECYT regular 1120924 , Víctor Hernández.
- 2012-2014. “Detección de VPM mediante métodos in vitro alternativos al bioensayo ratón: generación de soluciones biotecnológicas para monitoreos rutinarios de marea roja” . FONDEF D11I1140 , Víctor Hernández.
- 2011-2013. “Contribución al desarrollo del área de ecología química en el Departamento de Botánica, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas, Universidad de Concepción.” . CONICYT INSERCION 79100025 , Víctor Hernández.
- Chamorro, Soledad, Juan P. Vergara, Mayra Jarpa, Victor Hernandez, Jose Becerra, and Gladys Vidal. 2016. “Removal of stigmasterol from Kraft mill effluent by aerobic biological treatment with steroidal metabolite detection” Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 6: 1-6.
- Lubia M. Guedes, Narciso Aguilera, José Becerra, Víctor Hernández, Rosy M. dos Santos Isaias. 2016. “eaf and stem galls of Schinus polygamus (Cav.) Cabr (Anacardiaceae): Anatomical and chemical implications” Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (69): 266-273
- Ambbar Aballay-Gonzalez, Viviana Ulloa, Alejandra Rivera, Víctor Hernández, Macarena Silva, Teresa Caprile, Lorena Delgado-Rivera, Allisson Astuya. 2016. “Matrix effects on a cell-based assay used for the detection of paralytic shellfish toxins in bivalve shellfish samples” Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment 33(5) : 869.
- Torres, S., Cajas, D., Palfner, G., Astuya, A., Aballay, A., Pérez, C., Hernández, V. and Becerra, J. 2016. “Steroidal composition and cytotoxic activity from fruiting body of Cortinarius xiphidipus” Natural product research. May:1-4.
- Felipe Galleguillos, Victor Hernández, Fabian Figueroa, Goetz Palfner, Vicente A. Hernandez, and Sara Robinson. 2015. “Potential use of native fungi for value-added spalting in Chile” Forest Products Journal. http://dx.doi.org/10.13073/FPJ-D-14-00093
- Aguilera N, Becerra J, Villaseñor-Parada C, González L, Hernández V. . 2015. “Allelopathic effect of the invasive Acacia dealbata Link (Fabaceae) on two native plant species in south-central Chile.” Gayana Botánica 72(2) (Aceptado 17 marzo 2015).
- Heidi Schalchli, Emilio Hormazábal, José Becerra, Gabriela Briceño, Víctor Hernández, Olga Rubilar & María Cristina Diez. 2015. “Volatiles from white-rot fungi for controlling plant pathogenic fungi” Chemistry and Ecology, 31(8): 754-763
- Aguilera N, Becerra J, Lorenzo P, Villaseñor-Parada C, González L, Hernández V. . 2015. “Effects and identification of chemical compounds released from the invasive Acacia dealbata Link.” Chemistry and Ecology. DOI: 10.1080/02757540.20
- Chávez, D.; Hernandez, V.; Machuca, A.; Palfner, G. and Becerra, J. . 2015. “Secondary metabolites from the culture broth of Lactarius quieticolor growing in a bioreactor.” African Journal of Microbiology Research, Vol. 9(9): 581 587
- Concha, J.; Cavieres, L.; Sotes, G. And Hernández, V. . 2014. “Essential oil composition of Baccharis linearis (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. and Baccharis paniculata DC. leaves from Chile.” American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products 1(4): 6-8.
- Soledad Chamorro, Elizabeth Monsalvez, Benjamín Piña, Alba Olivares, Víctor Hernández, José Becerra And Gladys Vidal. 2013. “Analysis of aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands in kraft mill effluents by a combination of yeast bioassays and CG-MS chemical determinations” Journal of Environmental Science and Health, part A. Vol 48 (2) : 145 151.
- Angélica Grandón S, Miguel Espinosa B, Darcy Ríos L, Manuel Sánchez O, Katia Sáez C, Víctor Hernández S. and José Becerra A.. 2013. “Variation of saponin contents and physiological status in Quillaja saponaria under different environmental conditions” Natural Poducts Communications
- Hernández, V., Eberlin M. N., Chamorro, S., Becerra, J., Silva, M.. 2013. “Steroidal metabolites in Chilean river sediments influenced by pulp mill effluents” Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society Vol. 58 (4): 2035-2037
- S. Chamorro, V. Hernández, V. Matamoros, C. Domínguez, J. Becerra, G. Vidal, B. Piña, J.M. Bayona. 2013. “Chemical characterization of organic microcontaminant sources and biological effects in riverine sediments impacted by urban sewage and pulp mill discharges” Chemosphere. 90 (2) : 611-619
- Christian Troncoso, Claudia Perez, Victor Hernandez, Manuel Sanchez-Olate, Darcy Rios, Aurelio San Martin and José Becerra. 2013. “Induction of Defensive Response in Eucalyptus globulus Plants and its Persistence in Vegetative Propagation” Natural Product Communications 8(3): 397-400
- Sottorff I, Aballay A, Hernández V, Roa L, Muñoz LX, Silva M, Becerra J. and A. Astuya . 2013. “Characterization of bioactive molecules isolated from sea cucumber Athyonidium chilensis” Rev. Biol. Mar. 48(1) : 23-35
- Alberto Bezama, Alejandra Flores, Alberto Araneda, Ricardo Barra, Eduardo Pereira, Víctor Hernández, Heriberto Moya, Odorico Konrad and Roberto Quiroz.. 2013. “Assessment and optimization of an ultrasound-assisted washing process using organic solvents for polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated soil” Waste Management & Research 31(10) 969 978
- Christian Troncoso*, Jose Becerra, Claudia Perez, Victor Hernandez, Aurelio San Martin, Manuel Sanchez-Olate and Darcy Rios. 2012. “Induction of defensive responses in Eucalyptus globulus (Labill) plants, against Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae)” American Journal of Plant Sciences. 2012 (3): 589-595
- Manzano Santana Patricia, Miranda Martínez Migdalia, Paz Robles Cristian, Abreu Payrol Juan, Silva Osorio Mario, Hernández Santander Víctor. 2012. “Aislamiento y caracterización de la fracción hexánica de las hojas de Vernonanthura patens (Kunth) H. Rob. con actividad antifúngica” Rev Cubana Farm; 46(3): 352-358
- Chamorro S.; Pozo G.; Jarpa M., Hernandez, V, Becerra, J and Vidal, G. 2010. “Monitoring endocrine activity in kraft mill effluent treated by aerobic moving bed bioreactor system” Water Science and Technology, 62 (1) : 154-161
- Xavier CR, Mosquera-Corral A, Becerra J, Hernandez V. and G. Vidal. 2010. “Activated sludge versus aerated lagoon treatment of kraft mill effluents containing -sitosterol and stigmasterol. JOURNAL OF” Environmental Science and Health part a-Toxic/hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering 44(4): 327-335
- Franz Goecke, Víctor Hernández, Magalis Bittner, Mariela González, José Becerra and Mario Silva. 2010. “Fatty acid composition of three species of Codium (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) in Chile.” REVISTA DE BIOLOGÍA MARINA Y OCEANOGRAFÍA. 45(2): 325-330
- Manuel Monsalvez, Nelson Zapata, Marisol Vargas, Marisol Berti, Magalis Bittner, Victor Hernández.. 2010. “Antifungal effects of n-hexane extract and essentials oils of Drimys winteri bark against Take-All disease.” Industrial Crops and Products. 31, 239-244
- Chamorro, S, V. Hernandez, Monsalves, E., Becerra, J. Mondaca M., Pina B., Vidal, G. 2010. “Detection of Estrogenic Activity from Kraft Mill Effluents by the Yeast Estrogen Screen” Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2 (84): 165-169
- Julio Becerra, Magalis Bittner, Victor Hernández, Carolina Brintrup, José Becerra, Mario Silva. 2010. “Activity of essential oils of Canelo, Queule, Bailahuen y Culen against phythopatogenic fungi” BOLETIN LATINOAMERICANO Y DEL CARIBE DE PLANTAS MEDICINALES Y AROMATICAS 9 (3), 212-215
- Bittner M, Aguilera MA, Hernandez V, Arbert C, Becerra J y Casanueva ME. 2009. “Fungistatic activity of essential oils extracted from Peumus boldus Mol., Laureliopsis philippiana (Looser) Schodde and Laurelia sempervirens (Ruiz & Pav.) Tul. (Chilean Monimiaceae)” Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research Vol.: 69 (1) 30-37
Publicación de libros o capítulos de libros:
- Luiz H. Rosa (ed.). Neotropical Endophytic Fungi, Diversity, Ecology, and Biotechnological Applications. Chapter 4.
- Advances in Research on Biodiversity and Bioprospecting of Endophytic Fungi in Chile Rómulo Oses-Pedraza, Víctor Hernández, Leonardo Campos, José Becerra, Dánae Irribarren-Riquelme, Paris Lavín, and Jaime Rodríguez © Springer Nature, Switzerland https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-
- Stigmasterol Removal by an Aerobic Treatment System. In: Microbial Steroids: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology. Chamorro, S. Xavier, C.R., Hernández, V., Becerra, J. and Vidal, G. Editors: José-Luis Barredo and Ignacio Herráiz. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-7183-1_9, © Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017, vol. 1645, 151-159. Publicado 2017.
Publicaciones en revistas:
- Figueroa, F.A., Abdala-Díaz, R., Hernández, V., Becerra, J., Urrutia, R. 2020. Invasive diatom Didymosphenia geminata as a source of polysaccharides with antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects on macrophage cell lines. Journal of Applied Phycology 32 (1), 93-102
- LF Huaraca, SA Chamorro, V Hernández, E Bay-Schmith, CA Villamar. 2020. Comparative acute toxicity of glyphosate-based herbicide (GBH) to Daphnia magna, Tisbe longicornis, and Emerita analoga. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 1-9 55(7):646-654. DOI: 10.1080/03601234.2020.1758497
- EG Vergara, V Hernández, KR Munkittrick, R Barra, C Galban-Malagon. 2019. Presence of organochlorine pollutants in fat and scats of pinnipeds from the Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands, and their relationship to trophic position. Science of The Total Environment. 685: 1276-1283. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
scitotenv.2019.06.122 - F González, K Sáez, ME Vega, B Bizama, J Becerra, I Lépez. V. Hernandez. 2019. Effect of nitrate and irradiance on fatty acid production in microalgae cultivated for feeding larvae and broodstock conditioning in batch culture. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía 54 (1), 91-106
- Rabanal, Javiera; Moraga, Ruben ; Leon, Carla; Fernández, Italo; Yañez, Jorge; Hernandez, Victor Smith, Carlos; Mondaca, Maria; Campos, Victor. (2019). Characterization of an anaerobic bacterial consortium isolated from chicken manure capable to degrade organic arsenical compound into inorganic arsenic and methane. J Dairy Res. 8. 185-193.
- Alejandro Inostroza, Liliana Lara, Cristian Paz, Andrés Perez, Felipe Galleguillos, Victor Hernandez, José Becerra, Gerardo González-Rocha, Mario Silva. 2018. Antibiotic activity of Emerimicin IV isolated from Emericellopsis minima from Talcahuano Bay. Natural product research, 32(11): 1361-1364
- Lubia M Guedes, Narciso Aguilera, Bruno G Ferreira, José Becerra, Victor Hernández, Rosy Isaias. 2018. Anatomical and phenological implications between schinus polygama (cav.)(cabrera)(anacardiaceae) and the galling insect calophya rubra (blanchard)(hemiptera: Psylloidea). Plant Biology 20(3):507-515. DOI: 10.1111/plb.12696
- Chamorro, S. Xavier, C.R., Hernández, V., Becerra, J. and Vidal, G. 2017. Stigmasterol Removal by an Aerobic Treatment System. In: Microbial Steroids: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology. Editors: José-Luis Barredo and Ignacio Herráiz, vol. 1645, DOI 10.1007/978- 1-4939-7183-1_9, © Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017, 151-159.
- Solange Torres, Daniel Cajas, Goetz Palfner, Allisson Astuya, Ambbar Aballay, Claudia Pérez, Víctor Hernández, José Becerra. 2017. Steroidal composition and cytotoxic activity from fruiting body of Cortinarius xiphidipus. Natural product research 31(4): 473-476.
- Roa, Francibelk; Hernandez, Victor. Lichen Communities: Bioindicators of Environmental Purity, a tool to promote the conservation of relicts from the Valdivian Forest and local green paces of the City of Concepcion. Congreso y Simposio Internacional de Liquenología(IAL9 Brasil, 09/08/2021; https://doity.com.br/ial9
- Camila Fuica Carrasco, Evelyn Bustos Concha, Víctor Hernández Santander. Caracterización química y actividad antioxidante en individuos de Valeriana carnosa SM (Caprifoliaceae) distribuidos en ecosistemas montañosos del centro-sur de Chile, XXXIII Jornadas Chilenas de Química, Chile, Puerto Varas, Enero de 2020.
- Camila Fuica Carrasco, Víctor Hernández Santander. Composición química y actividad biológica en poblaciones de Eucryphia cordifolia Cav (Cunoniaceae) distribuidos en el sur de Chile, VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Química de Productos Naturales, Puerto Natales, Chile, Abril de 2020. Resumen aceptado, pospuesto para el año 2021, por pandemia actual, COVID19.